Thursday, September 8, 2016

Prediction For Game Of Thrones Season 7


Game of Thrones has finally wrapped up its sixth season, and our collective jaws are still on the floor. It was a run of episodes punctuated by long-awaited character deaths and stunning production values, all culminating in what is indisputably the best season the show has ever given us. Still, there’s plenty of story left to tell. The plan right now is to divide the seventh book in George R.R. Martin’s series into two smaller seasons, with each episode reaching past the typical hour-long run-time.
It’s an approach that’ll ultimately give HBO more room to play around. Rather than a single 10-episode season, we’ll be getting around 12-13 episodes divided over two years. What we’ll be getting in that time though is anyone’s guess, leaving us free to wildly theorize while we wait for Season 7 next spring. So what’s coming down the line? All signs seem to point toward a few large-scale events.

1. Cersei’s reign atop the Iron Throne won’t last long

It’s been a tough, long road for Cersei Lannister. But after blowing up the Great Sept and murdering everyone in King’s Landing who opposed her, she now sits victorious on the Iron Throne. Queen Cersei’s reign is likely going to be short-lived though, and the only real question is who’s going to topple her first. First up we have Jaime, who’s returned home to find his sister having been directly responsible for the death of their only surviving child. Infamously known as the Kingslayer, it certainly wouldn’t be the first time he’s killed a monarch, and consider that he killed the Mad King for planning to use wildfire like Cersei actually did. And if he doesn’t get the job done, Daenerys has a huge army and three dragons en route to take King’s Landing.

2. The Wall is coming down, and it’ll probably be Bran’s fault

Before leaving Bran and Meera, Benjen Stark was sure to point out that the Wall was protected by ancient magic, much in the same way the Three-Eyed Raven’s cave was. That magic can be broken by the mark of the Night King, which just so happens to be branded right into Bran’s arm right now. If Bran attempts to pass through the Wall, it could very well bring the whole damn thing toppling to the ground, allowing the White Walkers and their army of zombies the access they need into Westeros to begin a full-scale invasion.

3. Jon, Daenerys, and the “Prince Who Was Promised”

The Season 6 finale went out of its way to emphasize Jon Snow’s secret Targaryen heritage, all while the only other surviving member of that family began to make her way to Westeros. This puts the two on a path that could potentially save the world from the coming invasion of White Walkers. In the Game of Thrones universe, that’s far from a guarantee, and for all we know they might end up destroying each other rather than teaming up. But as the only two Targaryens left, their shared lineage will play a huge role in whatever the show’s endgame might be.
This all brings us to the prophecy of the Prince Who Was Promised, Azor Ahai. The AWOIAF Wiki tells us the following: “According to the prophecy recounted by Melisandre, after a long summer, Azor Ahai will be reborn amidst smoke and salt wielding the flaming sword Lightbringer to defend the world from R’hllor’s nemesis, the Other.” This seems to point toward Jon’s resurrection, his White Walker-killing sword, and the impending war with the Night King. And now that we know about his royal blood, we might just have all the pieces to fulfill that prophecy.

Related Article: Wil Daenerys Targaryen Marry Jon Snow

4. Littlefinger and Sansa might have their own plans for Winterfell

Petyr Baelish has proven himself to be the ultimate schemer in the Game of Thrones universe, having successfully orchestrated his elaborate plan to install Sansa back in a seat of power at her ancestral home of Winterfell. This could only be the beginning of his scheming, too, having already planted the seeds of doubt in Sansa concerning Jon’s role as the new King in the North. She’s never been one to claw for power for the sake of power itself, but she’s also spent a long time submitting to the power of men, and having her home placed under the control of her bastard brother could represent the final straw.

5. The war to end all wars is coming

While all the various houses of Westeros claw for power, there’s a much larger war looming on the horizon, and it’s one that will require them to unite or perish. The quest for the Iron Throne will seem like a petty squabble compared to the threat the White Walkers pose up north. Once they inevitably get past the Wall, all bets will be off. Daenerys will have to rally her dragons into action, Jon will be the first line of defense at Winterfell, and the rest of the world will discover that the White Walkers are more than just a bedtime story told to children. And because it’s Game of Thrones, we’re not guaranteed a happy ending. Buckle up, because things are about to get nuts. 

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